Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Building Blocks...

It's something we see very prominant within the SecondLife grid. Chairs, sofas, beds....houses and even castles. All these things in that vast virtual portal look pretty cool. Sometimes they are expensive, other times you may come across a really good freebie or cheapie. Now when you see them, all those shapes and textures look so simple and don't lie, all of us have at one point wanted to create those types of things. And of course, until you try it, alot may be under the impression of how easy it must have been to get done and make it look so neat and do all those fun little poses. However, as I'm only just on the road to learning how to build in SL, I can tell you, it's not easy even once you sit down, stop dawdling and focus on what really goes into those objects. Once again, I was inspired, mostly by a few of my SL family, and some of them have been pretty helpful at encouraging and helping me where they can! So like I said, you actually have to sit and learn. Toy around with things, find out what they do. And then, when you figure that out, that learning gets built upon by more knowledge over time and even then, it's not so simple. You can't just rez a box and expect to go randomly moving this and that and 'poof' there's a well made, perfectly textured bed, couch, chair, etc. Building takes time to learn what has to be done, what can't be done, and how to put it altogether. And it's up to you to follow-up and keep that information stacked in a nice little pyramid (or scattered all over in a complicated order, whichever floats your boat).

I've only made one thing, and that was a couch. For now, that's all it really is: A couch. You sit on it....well...let's just say it doesn't look right. But you sit on it. The concepts of the SL grid become a lot more vast once you actually dive into various things like building and when you see just how much work goes into it, and in some ways, you're a bit humbled when you realize how much goes into providing the objects that we do things on everyday. Of course, once you actually take time and learn, it does get easier, if only slightly. It's a true experience and I'm pretty sure that it's a good thing for everyone to explore at some point! Never know what you might make!

But anyways, this is just from my very limited experience and my very recent view of building. I know quite a few builders.....and they put alot of work into what they do. So yeah, just a bit of randomness on building! So until next time~


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