Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Reason to Smile

It's been a while since I posted, but of course real life sometimes only leaves us so much time for little things like this. I've been thinking on this post for quite some time now though, even if this thing has gathered a bit of dust....*sweeps it off* This post is to talk about reasons to smile. Now, I am sure you're wondering what that has to do with Second life and don't worry, I'm going to explain that too. When I feel like it of course.

When it comes to Second Life, there are the people that you merely deem as acquaintances and then there are those that you can truly open you're heart to. On the matter of those acquaintances, you talk with them and interact with them, but most times, they don't really have a drastic effect in you're life. Then, you have those that you've opened you're heart to, for one reason or another. This would be my Second Life family. I'm very protective of them and I would always give anything to help them. Just talking with them can take any problems or annoyances from RL and whisk them away as though they were dust. Now, to tie this in to the main topic.

Due to working (or getting overworked), I don't have much time to log onto SL and sometimes when I do, I can expect not everyone from my family will be on. We all have lives outside of that virtual space that must be tended to. But it's when I do get the chance and I can spend even just a few minutes with them, that make all those moments special. Life knocks us all down, quite hard sometimes, but those dear, precious people have given me memories that can always make me smile. Whether it's from remembering one of my brothers talking about an evil trolling spider, or remembering how silly he could sometimes be at his sets when I hosted him! (Though you didn't hear it from me). Or when my big brother and I finally have a chance to chat and discuss silly random things, even though we've both been busier than bees in a tar bucket.  

It's when the crazy 'Husband Brother Trio" have awesome parties and we have to push one of them off to bed or when my big sis gets on and sends me some of her more...interesting items, and when my mama and  papa come and dance with me while I make a couch! There are a handful of people, and I can't list all of them, but they are my reason to smile. Today wasn't a really rough day in RL, but of course, I don't think I'd smiled so big all day as I did when one of my brothers, and my big sister posted on FB. For my brother, he said he'd be a....cute demonic little lizard (once again you didn't hear it from me) and my big sister popped one of her always funny 'Gas' jokes. Both of them were my reason to post this. I hope that those people, the ones that really truly matter (once again, not all of them are listed, but they'll know.) will know that I appreciate them more than any words could ever say and that not a day goes by that I don't smile because of ya'll.

So till next time, where I'll be discussing certain family who got me started in my real SL journey, take care!
